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That fucking door.

09.09.2011 21:16


Tic. Toc. Tic. Toc. A clock.

Tic. Toc. Tic. Toc. Correction: an annoying clock.

Or so a certain raccoon thought. In his opinion it was quite boring without his hyperactive companion around, as annoying as he might be. Being that tiger's best friend might've made him immune to it. Mostly.


Tic. Toc. Tic. Toc. Goddamn.

Startled by the sudden „bäm“-ing of the door Scrone fell oh so gracefully off the couch he had previously been sitting on. Rubbing his back he'd fallen on he stood up again to glare over to the intruder who just indirectly caused his pain.

So you're finally gettin' into the age that your back's bein' a pain in the ass, yes?“, came the smart reply to the glare. Quickly making his way over to the older teen standing in the door Scrone also pushed him fully out again, half-closing said door behind himself. „You know that you're not allowed in here anymore, Ril-irir. Or at least not so soon.“

It was the truth. The red canid once paid them a visit just at the time his guns kinda „acted“ strange. He came in, tripped over the stairs making all of his „lovely“ equipped guns go off at the same time. Yeah. Oh so lovely. It took alot of time (and money, mind you) to repair all of the trashed walls and get new furniture. Not to mention that it was freakishly cold during the nights thanks to the holes in the house.

So whaddya want here?“ Already getting impatient with his not-so-much friend Scrone crossed his arms, eyes boring into the boy opposite of him.

Jus' wanted to let ya know that Zaxen's somewhere in those mountains. Y'know. THE mountains. The mountains that obviously hate him. And I heard that there was a landslide.“, holding his hands up as if to defend himself he continued „I would totally go there to look if the mate's alright and such, but y'know, I've got business that is like really important. And you as his best friend and such it should be your responsibility to look fo' him. So, I guess, see ya later. And tell me if he still got all of his limps workin' when I come back, yeah?“

Quickly vanished out of his sight Scrone just stared at the spot where the other had just been. Better for that brat or he would've been strangled by now.


So, imagninary status report; One, Scrone is at 'home', supposed to take care of it and make sure no bulgars or similar invade. Even better to know that the village is full of them. Two, none of the other people living here will be returning any time soon, making them no option. Three, no one of their neighbours would willingly want to watch this place. Four, the dumbest leader ever, namely Zaxen, got most likely caught up in a landslide, injured. With the possibility of him even causing it in the first place.

Everything is just perfect. A sigh. Oh yeah, so perfect.

Oh, damn it all to hell and back!“

Banging the door behind him he decided to head to the mountains in the south of the village. After a few steps he noticed that he unfortunately still had the doorknob in his hand. Yes, he ripped it out in his carelessness.

Being very unhappy with the whole situation he just threw it back, right against the door. ...which wasn't very sturdy. He watched the door fall back, into the house, not in the door frames where it was supposed to be, nearly exploding.


Now he was in the middle of the mountains looking for his childhood friend who most likely got lost, again. After he finished his business with the door which was an ass to him. Again. Daily life surely sucks ass.

Twitching one of his ears in irritation at the slightes sounds, he continued to travel up further. Glancing around the place after he reached the peak of one smaller hill he saw that there was indeed a landslide. He quickly made his way over to it, checking for any people in the piles of rocks and other things that suited in there. Slowly beginning to shove the rocks aside he found something after a while of digging. And that something was nothing. Which was partly a good thing.

But if Zaxen wasn't here, were could he be else? Scrone surely couldn't pick up a scent of him anywhere nearby. Starting to climb up the bigger mountain he hoped that that idiot didn't get himself into trouble again. He had a talent for it and everyone knew it too.

Running a hand through his blond hair he once again eyed his surroundings, looking for any kind of trails, something suspicious or the main goal itself. Thinking he didn't find anything at all he turned to leave for an other place to look at. Before he looked down and saw footprints right in front of him. Eye twitching, he didn't even wait to ask himself how he could be so stupid to oversee them until now.

Of course he immediately started to follow them, making sure to be careful. At one point the footprints multiplied and became seven pairs atleast. Furrowing his brows he instinctively raised his guard.


Following the tracks which might lead to the person he searched for a few minutes just suddenly vanished, all at once. With a raised eyebrow out of suspicion he kneeled down to inspect the ground further. And he indeed found something. Getting a grip on a flat rock he just threw it aside. As expected there was a tunnel under it leading to god knows where. Dumbly smirking to himself he felt like he was in some stupid movie where he'd find some torture chambers down there, with his friend present and having to save the day again. He shook his head to get rid of his daydream and finally moved to wherever the tunnel lead to. He could barely see in there so he was happy when he saw fires guttering quite near. Fastening his pace he was greeted with some stone figures, torches placed at each sides of them. This surely didn't look good. Okay, yes, it did look good, but it didn't seem like a good sign. Not at all.


After a few more minutes of figuring out how to open the door between the figures, he opened it, quickly getting annoyed again for having to do all of this. And not even getting paid for it.



He went through the door and guess what was behind it? Exactly, another tunnel. Slowly but surely he was getting sick of them. But there, he finally was making progress, being able to hear.... noises. Voices?

Only one way to find out he hid in the shadows and was making his way to the source of that sounds. Reaching yet another door he rolled his eyes and pressed his ear against it to make out what was going on in there.


Ow, no, please let me go... it really hurts! Nonononono, go away! Ahh, ouch!“ Okay, that voice surely was owned by the one and only Zaxen. And it didn't sound very pleasant. Whatever was there was causing him pain and that is never something joyful.
Holding back a deep growl the raccoon got a good hold of his chains (which are being used as his weapons, surprise.) and attached his most often used sickle to it. Furrowing his brows again in anger he roughly kicked the door open, startling all of the people behind it. Normally, he'd just burst in right now. If he wouldn't be stared at from Zaxen, hanging from a rope upside down with a few bruises here and there and face quite beaten, and some.... fucking small kids.


For real? This was it? Why were those freaking kids beating up his friend? ...Wrong question, why the hell did his friend let himself being beaten up by mentioned freaking kids?

This didn't look like it had sense in it. But as always there was one which he would find out.

Glaring off a kid that moved to most likely want to try hit him too, he...? she...? ….IT quickly let the branch in it's hands fall to the ground, already defeated before a fight even began. Some others followed suit, some did not.

Finally the magic spell of silence was broken. „Scrone! Hiya bud, ehehehehe.... can you, like, help me out abit, please...? Ow!“ Being shut up from a kid that obviously used that branch for the thousanths of times while he was here. Zaxen totally deserved that from Scrone's point of view.

Soo. What is going on here?“

Scrone fixated his glance at the biggest of the small (which still wasn't big at all) kids that most likely played the leader here. It (Scrone was getting used to call them all it) pointed angrily over to the still hanging-in-agony Zaxen.

He stole! Stole ate ours bests! Ours cookies!“

.THAT. Damn kids. Damn not-good-speaking of them. Damn cookies. Damn Zaxen. Scrone was sure he could nearly hear his head go off and explode in front of them all. Just because of that fucking dumbass eating those damn cookies he had to get beaten up making Scrone come all the way here. Which tops it all is the reason that the freaking door got trashed again is all based on DUMBNESS. If someone would ask the raccoon's opinion, they could continue to beat that idiotic, cookie-obsessed tiger. But being logical again if he would have did that, he came here for nothing at all.

Surpressing the urge to hit his palm against his face, Scrone decided to try to talk Zaxen out of this.

Can you please let him go now? I need this idiotic man.“ At this that wannabe of a leader kind-of glared at him, wanting to seem intimidating. „No! We no won't let him after he stole ate ours bests! And-“, he just mid-sentence stopped when a even smaller small kid appeared and ran up to the leader to whisper something into his ear. Surely, where the heck was he? With so many dwarfes around, really? The world ain't normal anymore. While the blond had nothing else to do than to muse about the mood of nature Zaxen really was getting nervous there. Heck, as if Scrone cared now.


Being pulled out of his train of thought the small small (see the double-small?) kid was already gone again and the leader lowered the branch in his own hand. All others hesitantily doing so too.

Okay. You go with him! Now!“

Best. Day. Ever. Being told off by a fricking kid. Hah. ...of course he obeyed after they cut the rope that hung from the ceiling, previously holding Zaxen up.

Scrone quickly grabbed his friend's wrist before he could do anything more stupid. Zaxen was quiet the when his companion shut him up and was now shamefully trailing behind him. Exiting all of the tunnels, climbing down that effing mountain they fucking finally were back at their house.


And the door was out of its place. Again. It really must hate it there.

It was lying flat in front of the building. Eye twitching, assuming the worst, Scrone went in to see.... nothing. Yeah, nothing. So that was why that kid let them go so easily.... They effing stole all of their furniture!